IY // "Nations Next Door" Missions Experience 2025

July 13th–17th, 2025 | Where //
Louisville, KY

Immanuel Youth (Rising 8th–12th Grade) // This summer, July 13th–17th, join Immanuel Youth for The Nations Next Door: A unique summer mission and service experience. Partnered with Refuge International, The Nations Next Door gives students a weeklong overnight opportunity to learn about God’s heart for the nations and engage them—right here in Louisville! Here's what to expect:

Amazing Race
You will experience a taste of what is it like for refugees during their first few months of arriving in the United States through this fun interactive simulation.

Cultural Immersion
You will have the opportunity to worship with fellow believers from other countries, be introduced to various types of ethnic foods and other facets of diverse culture, and Lord-willing, have your heart grow in compassion toward the lost as you visit places of hopeless idol worship such as a mosque and Buddhist temple.

Missionary Refugee Testimonies
You will hear testimonies from refugees resettled here in Louisville, as well as from former and current foreign and local missionaries.

Service Project
You will have the opportunity to plan and implement an outreach to an ethnically diverse apartment complex. Examples include backyard bible clubs, community cookouts, VBS, community carnival, etc.

The cost is $165, which covers lodging, food, programming, a camp journal, bag, and t-shirt. If finances are a concern or you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to Cody Farthing at cfarthing@immanuelky.org. Interested? Register today!

Registration Information

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Refuge International Waiver and Release Form

Please fill out the following waiver and release form and upload it below.


July 13th–17th, 2025
Where //
Louisville, KY